Cabin in the Woods

Between the woods the afternoon
Its fallen in a golden swoon,
The sun looks down from quiet skies
To where a quiet water lies,
And silent trees stoop down to the trees.
And there I saw a white swan make
Another white swan in the lake;
And, breast to breast, both motionless,
They waited for the wind’s caress. . .
And all the water was at ease.
– The Mirror, by A.A.Milne

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Ferris Wheel Dream

We all have goals in life. For some, it’s to achieve a certain profession or maybe a certain material thing like a house. But kids don’t live by goals like adults often do, no, they live by dreams. I’d like to think that I still live a lot of my life through ardent dreams. Children inspire me in their ability, no matter the logistics or obstacles that are often unaware of them, that these dreams will come true purely because they dreamed them.

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