I was eight in the Brushy Mountains of North Carolina where my siblings and I had gotten over chicken pox. My mom rubbed on calamine lotion, ran warm oatmeal baths, and hit rewind on the worn-out copy of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast we all could sing by heart at week’s end. Soothed by the creek, and the cooking of our great aunt Hessie, (with whom we were staying), we survived the tumultuous week and were grateful.
Welcome Back!

Last week I went to a writing conference in Franklin, Tennessee. You might’ve heard of the author who hosted it, she is one of my mom’s favorites, Karen Kingsbury. It was a great time of learning and dreaming. I met some outstanding writers with hopes and dreams similar to my own.
God & Bees Now in Audio!
In celebration of God & Bees turning one, the Mini Macks and I have put it in audiobook form! Earlier this year, we hunkered down in my closet, squeezed around a mic hanging between clothes, and let the games begin! We learned quickly that audio work isn’t as easy as the professionals make it look. Every whisper and mouth click, shove, and wiggle, are recorded right onto the track. Reading with storytelling flare was imperative and robot-sounding readers might’ve gotten fired until they practiced a bit more.